Homeworks (just for practice, not due)

Homework 1
Homework 2
Homework 3
Homework 4

In-class exercises

Identify a dataset for the in-class exercises by the second week of class. Email the AI by January 20 and he will let you know if the dataset conforms to the guidelines. Guidelines for the in-class exercise dataset are the same as those for the final project, and you are allowed (perhaps encouraged) to use the same dataset for both. You are also allowed to switch datasets mid-semester if you find something else you would like to work with.

Recall that you will be required to present your results from at least one of the in-class exercises. Presentation guidelines for in-class exercise #1 are here. Subsequent presentations will be similar.

Mini project

The mini project will be posted here when it is assigned.

Final project

You will write a report on a dataset of your choice. The requirements are: (i) it should have at least three quantitative variables, and (ii) there should be at least 100 observations, though more would be better. Other than that, choose a set of data you are interested in.

You will be required to submit a draft of your final project writeup by April 11. I will give you a grade and feedback within a week. If you are happy with the grade, you can be done, otherwise you can re-submit a version that has responded to the comments. You can do this up to the final deadline, which will be Tuesday, May 6.

Guidelines for the writeup are here: writeup.