Meetings: Tuesdays and Thursdays, 12:45-2pm, WH 111
Instructor: Prof. Julia Fukuyama | jfukuyam at iu dot edu | |
Office hours: Tuesdays 2:30-3:30pm, Wednesdays 1-2pm | Swain East 225 | |
Associate Instructor: Mr. Yue Yu | yyu3 at iu dot edu | |
Office hours: Mondays 3:30-5:30 and Fridays 2-4pm | Swain East 200 |
Graphical and modeling techniques for exploring data, with an emphasis on visualization, interpretation, and clear communication of findings. Use of modern software tools for data manipulation and visualization. Connections to traditional statistical methods.
We will be drawing heavily on Cleveland’s Visualizing Data and Hadley Wickham’s ggplot2: Elegant Graphics for Data Analysis. Both of these are available online through the IU library.
Also useful will be R for Data Science by Wickham and Grolemund, available online.
Readings and notes for topics not covered in the textbooks will be posted to the course website and to canvas.
Classes will be a combination of lecture and tool demonstration. It will generally be helpful for you to have an R session open to follow along wth the code. Slides or notes, with R code, will be posted to the class website before each lecture.
We will also have a regular set of in-class exercises where you will try out some of the sorts of analyses we have recently covered in class, think through why we would want to perform such an analysis, and think through what the implications of the analysis might be.
Grades will be assigned based on:
There will be no final exam; the last responsibility for the course will be the report for the final project due on the last day of class.
The projects will be graded on how well the material is presented in addition to accuracy. This means there should be no extraneous material, plots should be readable, and text and figures should be formatted nicely.