Julia Fukuyama
Scree plot and how we interpret it
What does the scree plot look like when the data matrix is just noise
How do we choose a good number of dimensions for PCA
In a scree plot, we plot the eigenvalues in decreasing order.
It is used to help us choose the number of “important” principal components.
contains the relevant
distributions, we will use pWishartMax
for the distribution
of the maximum eigenvalue of a Wishart matrix.n = 50; p = 20
cov.mat = matrix(.99, nrow = p, ncol = p)
diag(cov.mat) = 1
X = rmvnorm(n = n, sigma = cov.mat)
colnames(X) = letters[1:p]
out_prcomp = prcomp(X, center = TRUE, scale. = FALSE)
plot(out_prcomp$sdev^2 / sum(out_prcomp$sdev^2),
ylab = "Fraction of variance explained", xlab = "Component")
## [1] 0
cov.mat = matrix(0, nrow = p, ncol = p)
cov.mat[1:(p/2), 1:(p/2)] = cov.mat[(p/2 + 1):p, (p/2 + 1):p] = .99
diag(cov.mat) = 1
X = rmvnorm(n = n, sigma = cov.mat)
colnames(X) = letters[1:p]
out_prcomp = prcomp(X, center = TRUE, scale. = TRUE)
plot(out_prcomp$sdev^2 / sum(out_prcomp$sdev^2),
ylab = "Fraction of variance explained", xlab = "Component")
## [1] 0
X = matrix(rnorm(n * p), nrow = n)
colnames(X) = letters[1:p]
out_prcomp = prcomp(X, center = TRUE, scale. = TRUE)
plot(out_prcomp$sdev^2 / sum(out_prcomp$sdev^2),
ylab = "Fraction of variance explained", xlab = "Component")
## [1] 0.8334145
Suppose you don’t want to assume that the elements of the data matrix are iid Gaussian, or you don’t have a large number of samples/variables. You can use parallel analysis.
This procedure gives the distribution of the eigenvalues assuming that the variables are uncorrelated and can tell you whether the eigenvalues you observed are bigger than you would expect if all the variables were uncorrelated.
Note: the plots will have “adjusted” eigenvalues, for a description of these see https://alexisdinno.com/Software/files/PA_for_PCA_vs_FA.pdf
n = 50; p = 20
cov.mat = matrix(.99, nrow = p, ncol = p)
diag(cov.mat) = 1
X = rmvnorm(n = n, sigma = cov.mat)
colnames(X) = letters[1:p]
out_prcomp = prcomp(X, center = TRUE, scale. = FALSE)
plot(out_prcomp$sdev^2 / sum(out_prcomp$sdev^2),
ylab = "Fraction of variance explained", xlab = "Component")
## Using eigendecomposition of correlation matrix.
## Computing: 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100%
## Results of Horn's Parallel Analysis for component retention
## 600 iterations, using the mean estimate
## --------------------------------------------------
## Component Adjusted Unadjusted Estimated
## Eigenvalue Eigenvalue Bias
## --------------------------------------------------
## 1 18.536246 19.877931 1.341684
## --------------------------------------------------
## Adjusted eigenvalues > 1 indicate dimensions to retain.
## (1 components retained)
cov.mat = matrix(0, nrow = p, ncol = p)
cov.mat[1:(p/2), 1:(p/2)] = cov.mat[(p/2 + 1):p, (p/2 + 1):p] = .99
diag(cov.mat) = 1
X = rmvnorm(n = n, sigma = cov.mat)
colnames(X) = letters[1:p]
out_prcomp = prcomp(X, center = TRUE, scale. = TRUE)
plot(out_prcomp$sdev^2 / sum(out_prcomp$sdev^2),
ylab = "Fraction of variance explained", xlab = "Component")
## Using eigendecomposition of correlation matrix.
## Computing: 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100%
## Results of Horn's Parallel Analysis for component retention
## 600 iterations, using the mean estimate
## --------------------------------------------------
## Component Adjusted Unadjusted Estimated
## Eigenvalue Eigenvalue Bias
## --------------------------------------------------
## 1 8.801628 10.153689 1.352060
## 2 8.654407 9.707843 1.053435
## --------------------------------------------------
## Adjusted eigenvalues > 1 indicate dimensions to retain.
## (2 components retained)
X = matrix(rnorm(n * p), nrow = n)
colnames(X) = letters[1:p]
out_prcomp = prcomp(X, center = TRUE, scale. = TRUE)
plot(out_prcomp$sdev^2 / sum(out_prcomp$sdev^2),
ylab = "Fraction of variance explained", xlab = "Component")
## Using eigendecomposition of correlation matrix.
## Computing: 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100%
## Results of Horn's Parallel Analysis for component retention
## 600 iterations, using the mean estimate
## --------------------------------------------------
## Component Adjusted Unadjusted Estimated
## Eigenvalue Eigenvalue Bias
## --------------------------------------------------
## 1 0.842456 2.181949 1.339493
## Error in if (AdjEv[x] >= 0) {: argument is of length zero
A dataset containing information about votes taken by Senators in the 1999 session.
Information split across three different csvs, one giving the votes, one giving information about the members, and one giving information about the bills being voted on.
# read in the three data sets
vote_descriptions = read.csv("../../datasets/congress_1999/bills.csv")
members = read.csv("../../datasets/congress_1999/members.csv")
votes = read.csv("../../datasets/congress_1999/votes.csv")
## match the column names of votes and the vote_id column in vote_descriptions
vote_descriptions = vote_descriptions %>%
mutate(vote_id = str_replace(vote_id, "-", "."))
## match names and orders for members and votes
joined = join(members, votes, by = "id")
votes = joined[,(-1:-6)]
members = joined[,1:6]
## Look at the vote_descriptions data frame
## amendment cloture conviction nomination passage procedural treaty
## 103 36 2 10 61 161 1
We would like to perform PCA, so we need te recode the votes from Yea/Nay to a number.
## Decide how to recode the variables
recode_votes = function(vote) {
if(is.na(vote)) {
} else if(vote == "Yea") {
} else if(vote == "Nay") {
} else {
votes_numeric = apply(votes, 1:2, recode_votes)
## These votes are going to cause problems for parallel analysis, so we remove them
votes_to_remove = which(apply(votes_numeric, 2, sd) == 0)
votes_numeric = votes_numeric[,-votes_to_remove]
vote_descriptions = vote_descriptions[-votes_to_remove,]
## PCA
out_prcomp = prcomp(votes_numeric)
## scree plot
plot(out_prcomp$sdev^2 / sum(out_prcomp$sdev^2),
xlab = "Component", ylab = "Fraction of variance explained")
## Using eigendecomposition of correlation matrix.
## Computing: 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100%
## Results of Horn's Parallel Analysis for component retention
## 100 iterations, using the mean estimate
## --------------------------------------------------
## Component Adjusted Unadjusted Estimated
## Eigenvalue Eigenvalue Bias
## --------------------------------------------------
## 1 169.50319 176.781706 7.278510
## 2 16.274826 23.231897 6.957071
## 3 2.875923 9.615791 6.739868
## 4 3.023778 9.557597 6.533818
## 5 1.109663 7.472130 6.362466
## --------------------------------------------------
## Adjusted eigenvalues > 1 indicate dimensions to retain.
## (5 components retained)
out_prcomp_passage = prcomp(votes_numeric[,vote_descriptions$category == "passage"])
plot(out_prcomp_passage$sdev^2 / sum(out_prcomp_passage$sdev^2),
ylab = "Fraction of variance explained", xlab = "Component")
## [1] 0.499316
## Using eigendecomposition of correlation matrix.
## Computing: 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100%
## Results of Horn's Parallel Analysis for component retention
## 100 iterations, using the mean estimate
## --------------------------------------------------
## Component Adjusted Unadjusted Estimated
## Eigenvalue Eigenvalue Bias
## --------------------------------------------------
## 1 12.904483 14.866993 1.962509
## 2 7.196930 8.941067 1.744137
## 3 2.314958 3.918645 1.603687
## 4 1.698357 3.179481 1.481123
## 5 1.061265 2.422535 1.361270
## --------------------------------------------------
## Adjusted eigenvalues > 1 indicate dimensions to retain.
## (5 components retained)
out_prcomp_procedural = prcomp(votes_numeric[,vote_descriptions$category == "procedural"])
plot(out_prcomp_procedural$sdev^2 / sum(out_prcomp_procedural$sdev^2),
ylab = "Fraction of variance explained", xlab = "Component")
## [1] 0.670782
## Using eigendecomposition of correlation matrix.
## Computing: 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100%
## Results of Horn's Parallel Analysis for component retention
## 100 iterations, using the mean estimate
## --------------------------------------------------
## Component Adjusted Unadjusted Estimated
## Eigenvalue Eigenvalue Bias
## --------------------------------------------------
## 1 93.440562 97.330067 3.889504
## 2 1.622993 5.285660 3.662667
## --------------------------------------------------
## Adjusted eigenvalues > 1 indicate dimensions to retain.
## (2 components retained)