Expectation Maximization

Agenda today


Problem for today

Goal, as usual: Maximize a likelihood

The idea behind EM:

For example: Clustering with normal mixtures

Suppose we have a set of points measured on one variable.

We think that they come from two clusters, and we want to find the centers of those clusters.

We can set up the following model for the data:

\[ \begin{align*} Z_i &=\begin{cases} 1 & \text{w.p. } p\\ 0 & \text{w.p. } 1 - p \end{cases}\\ Y_i \mid Z_i &\sim N(\theta_{Z_i}, 1) \end{align*} \]

Likelihood for the normal mixture example

We will let \(\phi_\theta\) be the normal pdf function, \[ \phi_\theta(y) = \frac{1}{2\pi} \exp \left(-\frac{(y - \theta)^2}{ 2} \right) \] so that we don’t have to rewrite it every time.

Let \(y_i\), \(i = 1,\ldots, n\) be the observed data. In this model, the observed-data likelihood for one point is: \[ p \phi_{\theta_1}(y_i) + (1 -p)\phi_{\theta_0}(y_i) \]

And the overall observed-data log likelihood is \[ \log g(y \mid \theta) = \sum_{i=1}^n \log \left( p \phi_{\theta_1}(y_i) + (1 -p)\phi_{\theta_0}(y_i) \right) \]

Note: this problem is not as well-behaved as the ones we have seen before, the log likelihood in general has multiple local maxima.

EM: The algorithm

Suppose we have observed data \(Y\), missing data \(Z\), complete data \(X = (Y, Z)\), and parameters \(\theta\).

\(f(X\mid \theta)\) is the complete-data likelihood, \(g(Y \mid \theta)\) is the observed-data likelihood.

We would like to maximize \(g(Y \mid \theta)\) (or \(\log g(Y \mid \theta)\))

Example: E step in normal mixtures

Our parameters are \(\theta\) and \(p\), with current estimates \(\theta^{(n)}\) and \(p^{(n)}\). The complete-data log likelihood is

\[ \log f(Y, Z \mid \theta, p) = \sum_{i=1}^n [(1 - z_i) \log(\phi_{\theta_0}(y_i)) + z_i \log(\phi_{\theta_1}(y_i))] + \sum_{i=1}^n [(1 - z_i) \log(1 - p) + z_i \log p] \]

In the E step, we compute the expectation of \(\log f(y, z, \mid \theta)\), conditional on the observed values of \(y\) and the current estimate of \(\theta\), \(\theta^{(n)}\).

\[ \begin{align*} E[\log \;&f(Y, Z \mid \theta, p) \mid Y = y, \theta= \theta^{(n)}, p = p^{(n)}] \\ &= \sum_{i=1}^n \left[(1 - E[z_i \mid Y = y, \theta= \theta^{(n)}])\log(\phi_{\theta^{(n)}_0}(y_i)) + E[z_i \mid Y = y, \theta= \theta^{(n)}] \log(\phi_{\theta^{(n)}_1}(y_i))\right] +\\ &\quad \sum_{i=1}^n\left [(1 - E[z_i \mid Y = y, \theta= \theta^{(n)}]) \log(1 - p^{(n)}) + E[z_i \mid Y = y, \theta= \theta^{(n)}]\log p^{(n)}\right] \end{align*} \]

Finally: \[ E[z_i \mid Y = y, \theta= \theta^{(n)}] = \frac{p^{(n)}\phi_{\theta^{(n)}_1}(y_i)}{p^{(n)}\phi_{\theta^{(n)}_1}(y_i) + (1 - p^{(n)})\phi_{\theta^{(n)}_0}(y_i)} \]

Suppose our current estimates are \(\theta_0^{(n)} = -1\), \(\theta_2^{(n)} = 2\), and \(p^{(n)} = .5\)

We can compute the quantities from the previous slide for the data we generated:

theta0 <- -1
theta1 <- 2
p <- .5
expected_z <- p * (dnorm(y, mean = theta1)) /
    (p * (dnorm(y, mean = theta1)) + (1 - p) * dnorm(y, mean = theta0))
cbind(y, expected_z) %>% head() %>% round(digits = 3)
##           y expected_z
## [1,] -0.488      0.049
## [2,] -1.610      0.002
## [3,]  2.379      0.996
## [4,]  0.785      0.702
## [5,] -0.875      0.016
## [6,]  2.955      0.999

Example: M step in normal mixtures

You can either go through the analysis, or you can notice that maximizing \(E[\log f(Y, Z \mid \theta, p) \mid Y = y, \theta = \theta^{(n)}, p = p^{(n)}]\) is simply a problem of estimating the mean of a normal distribution with weights on the samples.

If we let \(\gamma_i = E[z_i \mid Y = y, \theta= \theta^{(n)}]\), then our new parameters are \[ \begin{align*} \theta^{(n+1)}_0 &= \frac{\sum_{i=1}^n (1 - \gamma_i) y_i}{\sum_{i=1}^n (1 - \gamma_i)}\\ \theta^{(n+1)}_1 &= \frac{\sum_{i=1}^n \gamma_i y_i}{\sum_{i=1}^n \gamma_i}\\ p^{(n+1)} &= \sum_{i=1}^n \gamma_i / n \end{align*} \]

Let’s look at what the M step looks like on our data.

Remember our previous parameter estimates were \(\theta_0^{(n)} = -1\), \(\theta_2^{(n)} = 2\), and \(p^{(n)} = .5\). The true centers are at \(-2\) and \(3\).

(theta1_updated <- sum(y * expected_z) / sum(expected_z))
## [1] 2.88475
(theta0_updated <- sum(y * (1 - expected_z)) / sum(1 - expected_z))
## [1] -1.599996
(p_updated <- sum(expected_z) / n_samples)
## [1] 0.536838

Example 2: Allele frequency inference

Blood typing has to do with the “ABO” locus.

Our goal: estimate the population proportions \(p_A\), \(p_B\), and \(p_O\).

Step 1: Write down the complete data log likelihood

Hardy-Weinberg (a law from population biology) tells us the probability of each genotype given the population allele proportions under the assumption of random assortative mating.

Therefore, the complete-data log likelihood is: \[ \log f(X \mid p_A, p_B, p_O) = n_{AA} \log p_A^2 + n_{AO} \log(2 p_A p_O) + n_{BB} \log p_B^2 + n_{BO} \log (2 p_B p_O) + n_{AB} \log (2p_A p_B) + n_O \log p_O^2 + C \]

Step 2: Write down expectation of complete data log likelihood

\(E(\log f(X \mid p_A, p_B, p_O))\) will involve the expected genotype counts given the observed data. These are:

And similarly for \(n_{BB}\) and \(n_{BO}\).

Step 3: Write down the values of \(p_A\), \(p_B\), and \(p_O\) that maximize the expected complete data log likelihood

(Can derive with Lagrange multipliers)

In code

#' @param theta_0: A list with elements pA, pB, and pO
#' @param observed: A list with elements nA, nB, nAB, nO
allele_em <- function(theta_start, observed, niter) {
    theta <- theta_start
    theta_iterates <- list()
    for(i in 1:niter) {
        complete_data <- e_step(theta, observed)
        theta <- m_step(theta, complete_data)
        theta_iterates[[i]] <- theta

#' @param theta: A list with elements pA, pO, and pO
#' @param observed: A list with elements nA, nB, nAB, nO
e_step <- function(theta, observed) {
    complete_data <- list()
    complete_data[["nAA"]] <- observed[["nA"]] * theta[["pA"]]^2 / (theta[["pA"]]^2 + 2 * theta[["pA"]] * theta[["pO"]])
    complete_data[["nBB"]] <- observed[["nB"]] * theta[["pB"]]^2 / (theta[["pB"]]^2 + 2 * theta[["pB"]] * theta[["pO"]])
    complete_data[["nAO"]] <- observed[["nA"]] * 2 * theta[["pA"]] * theta[["pO"]] / (theta[["pA"]]^2 + 2 * theta[["pA"]] * theta[["pO"]])
    complete_data[["nBO"]] <- observed[["nB"]] * 2 * theta[["pB"]] * theta[["pO"]] / (theta[["pB"]]^2 + 2 * theta[["pB"]] * theta[["pO"]])
    complete_data[["nAB"]] <- observed[["nAB"]]
    complete_data[["nOO"]] <- observed[["nOO"]]

#' @param complete_data: A list with elements nAA, nBB, nAO, nBO, nAB, nOO
#' @param theta: A list with elements pA, pB, and pO
m_step <- function(theta, complete_data) {
    theta_new <- list()
    n <- sum(unlist(complete_data))
    theta_new[["pA"]] <- (2 * complete_data[["nAA"]] + complete_data[["nAO"]] + complete_data[["nAB"]]) / (2 * n)
    theta_new[["pB"]] <- (2 * complete_data[["nBB"]] + complete_data[["nBO"]] + complete_data[["nAB"]]) / (2 * n)
    theta_new[["pO"]]<- (complete_data[["nAO"]] + complete_data[["nBO"]] + 2 * complete_data[["nOO"]]) / (2 * n)
observed <- list(nA = 186, nB = 38, nAB = 13, nOO = 284)
theta_start <- list(pA = .3, pB = .2, pO = .5)
allele_em(theta_start, observed, niter = 5) %>% bind_rows()
## # A tibble: 5 × 3
##      pA     pB    pO
##   <dbl>  <dbl> <dbl>
## 1 0.232 0.0550 0.713
## 2 0.216 0.0503 0.734
## 3 0.214 0.0502 0.736
## 4 0.214 0.0501 0.736
## 5 0.214 0.0501 0.736

Some notes

When is this useful?