Today: modifications of Newton’s method
Idea: Use the expected information,
Log likelihood:
fisher_scoring_iterate = function(x, y, theta_current) {
score = compute_score(x, y, theta_current)
information = compute_information(x, theta_current)
theta_new = theta_current + solve(information) %*% score
compute_score = function(x, y, theta) {
fitted = nonlin_function(x, theta)
grad_mu = compute_grad_mu(x, theta)
rowSums(sweep(grad_mu, 2, STATS = y - fitted, FUN = "*"))
compute_information = function(x, theta) {
## a 3 x n matrix
grad_mu = compute_grad_mu(x, theta)
grad_mu %*% t(grad_mu)
compute_grad_mu = function(x, theta) {
denom = 1 + exp(-theta[1] - theta[2] * x)
g1 = theta[3] * exp(-theta[1] - theta[2] * x) / denom^2
g2 = x * theta[3] * exp(-theta[1] - theta[2] * x) / denom^2
g3 = 1 / denom
return(rbind(g1, g2, g3))
nonlin_function = function(x, theta) {
theta[3] / (1 + exp(-theta[1] - theta[2] * x))
At the starting values:
x = Ratkowsky3$x
y = Ratkowsky3$y
theta = c(-5, 1, 700)
xgrid = seq(0, 15, length.out = 1000)
fitted = nonlin_function(xgrid, theta)
plot(fitted ~ xgrid, type = 'l')
points(y ~ x)
After one iteration:
## [,1]
## g1 -3.3298463
## g2 0.4649027
## g3 677.8340519
After two iterations:
## [,1]
## g1 -4.2780124
## g2 0.6775608
## g3 664.2494602
After several more iterations
## [,1]
## g1 -4.438590
## g2 0.687286
## g3 702.939738
## [,1]
## g1 -4.4435690
## g2 0.6887401
## g3 702.8457366
## [,1]
## g1 -4.4424684
## g2 0.6885486
## g3 702.8741477
## [,1]
## g1 -4.4425736
## g2 0.6885677
## g3 702.8711538
## [,1]
## g1 -4.4425628
## g2 0.6885657
## g3 702.8714589
Compare with
nls(y ~ b3 / ((1+exp(-b1-b2*x))), data = Ratkowsky3,
start = c(b1 = -5, b2 = 0.75, b3 = 700),
trace = TRUE)
## 12935.59 (6.67e-01): par = (-5 0.75 700)
## 8971.367 (7.04e-02): par = (-4.363867 0.6765795 703.9695)
## 8930.131 (5.51e-03): par = (-4.447056 0.6894499 702.678)
## 8929.885 (5.50e-04): par = (-4.442017 0.6884684 702.8859)
## 8929.883 (5.62e-05): par = (-4.442618 0.6885758 702.8699)
## 8929.883 (5.78e-06): par = (-4.442558 0.6885649 702.8716)
## Nonlinear regression model
## model: y ~ b3/((1 + exp(-b1 - b2 * x)))
## data: Ratkowsky3
## b1 b2 b3
## -4.4426 0.6886 702.8716
## residual sum-of-squares: 8930
## Number of iterations to convergence: 5
## Achieved convergence tolerance: 5.777e-06
Idea: If you don’t move very far in one step, the Hessian shouldn’t change that much either.
Instead of recomputing the Hessian at each step, compute an approximate update.
Idea behind Hessian update: Taylor series again:
Finding an approximation
Several different ways to make the approximation:
For notation, let
We can rewrite the secant condition
Davidon’s method is a symmetric rank-1 update.
(verify on your own that this satisfies the secant condition)
BFGS is a symmetric rank-2 update.
BFGS is in R’s optim
The rank-1 updating method doesn’t ensure that the approximate Hessian remains positive definite, while the rank-2 updating method (BFGS) does.
Why are these useful?
Our problem:
Note that we’re doing minimization instead of maximization now so that the notation matches the reading, but any minimization problem can be recast as a maximization and vice versa.
General algorithm:
Start with a point
Until the stopping criterion is satisfied, usually
In gradient descent, we take
Overall algorithm:
Start with a point
Until the stopping criterion is satisfied, usually
A lot of options, grouped into deterministic and adaptive.
Deterministic methods:
Adaptive methods:
Iterates of gradient descent with backtracking line search, for
Contours represent the boundaries of the sublevel sets of
the function:
We want to know
A descent direction for the negative log likelihood is the negative
derivative of the negative log likelihood:
Functions for the log likelihood:
neg_log_lik = function(theta, x) {
return(.5 * sum((x - theta)^2))
neg_deriv = function(theta, x) {
return(sum(x - theta))
step_size = function(i, eta0, tau) {
return(eta0 / (1 + i / tau))
step_size_exponential = function(i, t0, d) {
return(t0 * exp(-i * d))
## [1] 4.998221
theta = 0
niter = 1000
intermediate_theta_vals = numeric(niter)
for(i in 1:niter) {
theta = theta + step_size(i, eta0 = 1, tau = 40) * neg_deriv(theta, x)
intermediate_theta_vals[i] = theta
#cat(sprintf("Value of theta at iteration %i: %.2f\n", i, theta))
## [1] 4.998221
Set up the data the same way as last time:
theta_true = c(1,2)
n = 100
X = cbind(rep(1, n), rnorm(n, mean = 0, sd = 1))
colnames(X) = c("Intercept", "x")
p = exp(X %*% theta_true) / (1 + exp(X %*% theta_true))
y = rbinom(n = n, size = 1, prob = p)
plot(y ~ X[,"x"])
points(p ~ X[,"x"], col = "red")
Set up the gradient function (minimizing the negative log likelihood, need the negative gradient of the negative log likelihood or the gradient of the log likelihood):
neg_gradient = function(theta, X, y) {
p = exp(X %*% theta) / (1 + exp(X %*% theta))
return(t(X) %*% (y - p))
Do our gradient calculations:
theta = c(0,0)
niter = 10000
intermediate_theta_vals = matrix(0, nrow = 2, ncol = niter)
for(i in 1:niter) {
theta = theta + step_size(i, eta0 = .1, tau = 1) * neg_gradient(theta, X, y)
intermediate_theta_vals[,i] = theta
#cat(sprintf("Value of theta at iteration %i: %.2f\n", i, theta))
## [,1]
## Intercept 0.9489461
## x 2.1634107
## XIntercept Xx
## 0.9532323 2.1784561
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